Should Tifway Bermudagrass Be Cut on a Low or High Setting?
Call 281-431-7441. Should you cut your Tifway Bermudagrass on a low setting or a high setting? Houston Grass South Owner Michael Romine, explains how Tifway Bermudagrass should be mowed by the homeowner and how that differs from the way a golf course would mow the same grass in a tee box.
Houston Grass South carries the finest quality Tifway Bermudagrass sod as well as Texturf 10 Bermudagrass sod. We also carry three varieties of St. Augustine turfgrass sod and Palisades zoysia grass. Our grass sod is grown on our family farm in Bay City Texas, and our family has been in the grass business since 1981. We take great pride in the quality of our turfgrass sod products.
Houston Grass South is located in Arcola Texas, just off Highway 6, and just a few miles east of Sienna Plantation. You can pick up your grass sod at our office, or we’ll deliver your sod to your project location in Pearland, Missouri City, Sugar Land or anywhere around Metro Houston. Call us at 281-431-7441 for price and delivery information.
Here’s Michael’s video explaining how to mow Tifway Bermudagrass.
Here’s a summary of the video.
Should Tifway Bermudagrass be cut on a low or high setting? The answer to that is that it depends. Tifway Bermudagrass, one of its primary uses is on sports fields, and primarily on tee boxes and fairways of golf courses.
It grows together very fast and it’s a very fine bladed Bermudagrass so that it looks real nice when it is cut short. If it’s cut frequently enough and short enough it can give that golf course like, carpet like look, and the tough part about that is that the only way to do that is to cut it frequently and low with a reel mower. A rotary mower like the mowers used by the vast majority of homeowners will not work.
You have to have a reel type mower, which is what you see on the golf courses and they spin around like a paddle wheel. Those mowers are very expensive to purchase and very expensive to maintain, and if you hire a service that has one they’re going to be very expensive.
And not only that, the golf course probably mows the grass every day or every other day. It’s not economical or feasible for a homeowner to do that, so that is a very very hard or expensive thing to achieve, having low-cut Tifway Bermudagrass. You do cut Tifway lower than St. Augustine grass, even a homeowner who is mowing every 5 to 7 days, yes you should cut the Tifway a little bit lower. You should never ever go over seven days with it between mowings.
If you dig down in Tifway Bermudagrass, you’re going to find that the top third is green leaf and it’s nice, but if you dig down a little bit deeper you going to see nothing but brown stems. So if you cut more than the top third of that off, you going to cut down to nothing but the stems. That looks ugly and it’s also very stressful on the grass.
So frequent mowing and a little bit shorter mowings is important with the Tifway Bermudagrass. Whereas the typical year-round height for the St. Augustine is around 3 1/2 inches, on average Tifway Bermudagrass is probably an inch shorter than that at least. That’s one of the reasons why you never want to go more than seven days without mowing Tifway.
So Tifway Bermudagrass might not be the best choice for a homeowner who can’t mow the grass frequently. However we have other types of grass sod that are ideal for almost any kind of application in Southeast Texas, and we’re experts at matching the best sod to the requirements of the project you have in mind. Call us at 281-431-7441 and let’s visit about your project and the kind of grass that might be best to meet your needs.