How Many Pieces of Sod Do You Get When You Buy a Pallet of Grass?
When you purchase a pallet of grass, how much area will that pallet cover? Do you save much money by buying a pallet of grass instead of grass by the piece? In this video, Houston Grass South Owner Michael Romine talks about how many pieces of grass are on a pallet and how much the pallet will cover. Each piece of grass sod is 16 inches by 24 inches. If you have questions, please call us at 281-431-7441 or send us an email using the contact form.
This is a summary of Michael’s video.
How many pieces of sod are there on a pallet of grass? To make 50 square yards, you have to put 165 pieces of sod grass on a pallet and those are the 16 by 24-inch pieces.
At our farm, we actually throw on five extras. At our farm, they call them “170s”, because the little ticker on the harvesting machine counts 170 pieces. That’s when they stop stacking the grass on the pallet is at 170 pieces, so you’re actually getting a few extras.
In the middle of summer, if the top layer of grass sits out in the sun for a little bit too long, it can burn those top pieces up. So maybe that might be one of the reasons for them throwing on the extra. But you can be rest assured that if you buy a 50-yard pallet from us, you’re absolutely getting 50 yards of top-quality grass for sure. You will not be shorted grass.
Houston Grass South offers you top-quality grass sod at great prices. You can be assured of the quality of our grass sod because we grow it ourselves at our family farm in Bay City, Texas. Whether you’re looking for St. Augustine grass, traffic tolerant Bermuda grass, or the exceptionally beautiful Zoysia grass, you’ll be the envy of your neighborhood for years to come if you buy your grass from Houston Grass South! Call us today at 281-431-7441.