In this episode of the Houston Grass Podcast, Houston Grass Owner Michael Romine talks about reviving your lawn after the drought in the Houston area and the Texas Gulf Coast. Call 281-431-7441 with your questions or a quote for your project.
Houston Grass Podcast: Your Late September Lawn Care Guide
Good morning, everyone! I’m Michael Romine, and welcome to another episode of the Houston Grass Podcast. We’re now in late September, just a few days away from October. Thankfully, the rain has finally come, helping to fill in the cracks and revive our drought-stricken lawns.
Lawn Recovery Post-Drought
We’ve been getting calls and questions from people who’ve noticed some patches of grass starting to green up, especially where the rainwater has reached. In contrast, areas missed by the irrigation are completely dead—brown, dry, and laid over.
When to Replace Dead Grass
If you’re wondering whether to replace these dead patches now or wait, the answer is clear: act now. Dead patches are unlikely to recover on their own. In fact, they often become overrun by common Bermuda grass and weeds. This is an ideal time to lay down new grass because temperatures are moderate, making for excellent growing conditions.
Chinch Bugs Alert
One reason your lawn might have dead patches is due to chinch bugs. Though they aren’t as rampant as before, they’re still around. So, it’s crucial to keep an eye out for these pests. A liquid pesticide like Cyonara can help manage this problem once you’ve identified it.
Keep Watering
Despite the rains, you still need to water your lawn regularly. Our area is so dry that it would take a significant amount of rain over an extended period to restore the soil’s moisture level. Make sure you’re watering about an inch per week to keep your lawn healthy.
Watch Out for Brown Patch Disease
With October approaching, it’s time to think about preventing brown patch disease. Using a fungicide like Heritage G can do wonders for controlling or preventing this common lawn disease. Be proactive and apply it in the next few weeks.
Time for Fertilization and Pre-emergents
October is also the perfect month to apply your Fall Special fertilizer and Barricade Pre-emergent to prevent winter weeds. Fertilizer prices have even dropped a bit from last year, making this the right time to stock up.
Don’t Forget Aeration
Consider aeration for your lawn this fall. Renting an aerator from Home Depot or another provider can help relieve soil compaction and improve your lawn’s overall health. There are different types of aerators and there are people who offer that service. It is our hard compact clay soils that we all have around here definitely could use some aeration and fall is a good time to do that.
The core aerator is the ideal one that kind of pokes a hole in the ground and as it does it it takes a little finger sized chunk of dirt out and pulls it out and leaves those spaces in there. It does look kind of messy in the yard because it drops those cores all over but after you water a couple of times those disappear and it it helps break up that compaction and that’s what you’re trying to do.
Measure Your Watering
To make sure you’re watering your lawn adequately, place a few rain gauges—or even empty tuna cans—around your yard. This will give you a good idea of how long you need to run your sprinklers to provide that crucial inch of water per week.
So there you have it—your comprehensive guide to reviving your lawn after the drought and late September lawn care in the Houston area. From fighting pests and diseases to watering and fertilization, we’ve covered all you need to know to keep your lawn in top shape. We’ll be back at the end of October with more tips and updates. Thanks for watching!