Grass Services

How Much Does a Pallet of Sod Weigh

How Much Does a Sod Pallet Weigh

How much does a sod pallet weigh?  You need to know that information if you’re going to pick up your grass at our office and you need to know if you can load a pallet into the bed of your truck or on your trailer.  This Michael’s guidance on the weight of a sod pallet

What Are Average Grass Sod Installation Costs from Houston Grass

Average Grass Sod Installation Costs

What’s the grass sod installation cost for your project?  Houston Grass Owner Michael Romine answers that question in this video.  If you have questions about prices for a variety of sod and you have a project location and an estimate of the amount of sod you need, we can provide you with an accurate quote

What Are Grass Sod Delivery Costs from Houston Grass

Houston Sod Delivery Costs

What Are the Sod Delivery Costs for Houston Grass? Call 281-431-7441 for more information.  We’re often asked about our sod delivery costs because the price of fuel can obviously be a factor in the cost of delivering your grass sod to your project site in the Houston area. Here’s Houston Grass Owner Michael Romine explaining