Watering new sod or watering new grass — how much water should you use? You’re getting ready to install your sod or perhaps you’ve just installed your sod and you know you should water it, but how much? Here are our recommendations for watering new sod based on the time of year of installation.
We offer sod watering and care information in our tip sheet! Call us at 281-431-7441 for any questions you have about the grass you’ve purchased from Houston Grass.
*Note that with average water pressure, a “wand” style sprinkler will put out about two-tenths of an inch of water per hour so it takes 5 hours to put out 1 inch of water. To verify your particular water output, purchase a rain gauge and put it in the area to be watered. If you have a sprinkler system, we would highly recommend that you do this.
Watering with Installation from January-March
Apply 1 inch of water (5 hours with a wand sprinkler) the day grass is installed or until “squishy”. Then apply 1 inch every 7-10 days. When you can no longer pick up corners of your sod pieces, reduce watering to 1 inch every 2-3 weeks.
A good rule of thumb is if you can stick your finger into the ground and mud sticks to it, then you do not need to water. However, if the ground is hard and you do not feel any moisture, then turn the water on. Be sure to compensate for rainfall.
Watering with Installation in April
Once daytime temperature consistently exceeds 80 degrees, watering requirements must be increased to 1.5-2.0 inches (7-10 hours with wand sprinkler) on the day you installed your new sod or until your sod is “squishy.” Then apply 1/2 inch of water (about 2 hours with the lawn sprinkler) every other day for 2 weeks. When you can no longer pick up corners of your sod pieces, reduce your waterings to 1 inch a week. Ideally you would do this in two-1/2 inch waterings to prevent runoff.
Watering with Installation from May-September
Water new sod 1.5-2.0 inches (7-10 hours with a wand sprinkler) the day the sod is installed or until “squishy.” Then 1/2 inch of water (about 2 hours with the lawn sprinkler) every other day for 2 weeks. This depends on daytime temperature; if the grass is wilting and stressed, then short 30 minute waterings on a daily basis may be necessary in the evenings. When you can no longer pickup the corners of your sod pieces, reduce your waterings to 1 inch per week. Ideally you would do this in two-1/2 inch waterings to prevent runoff. If you install your new grass in the shade, you should be treating for gray leaf spot.
Watering with Installation in October
Water newly installed sod 1.5-2.0 inches(7-10 hours with a wand sprinkler) the day the sod is installed or until “squishy.” Once daytime temperature consistently stays below 80 degrees, then watering requirements must be reduced, so as to not promote Brown Patch, to 1 inch every 7-10 days, then every 2-3 days for 1 hour. When you can no longer pick up corners of your sod pieces, reduce your waterings to 1 inch every 2-3 weeks.
Watering with Installation November-December
Water newly installed sod with 1 inch of water (5 hours with a wand sprinkler) the day the sod is installed or until “squishy.” Then apply 1 inch of water every 10-14 days. When you can no longer pick up corners of your sod pieces, reduce waterings to 1 inch every 2-3 weeks.
When you’re looking for quality grass sod for your next project, we hope you’ll contact us at 281-431-7441.
We Deliver Grass with Quality Second to None in Houston — Call 281-431-7441 Today
Our grass sod comes from our family farm outside of Bay City, where we’ve been growing grass since 1981. A lot of labor and money goes into growing very high quality grass that will enhance your home lawn or other project for many years to come. Check our reviews and recommendations for feedback we’ve received over the years from our customers.