Probably the number one question we get is “how much is your grass.” In this video, Michael Romine answers that question with a general explanation of our prices — the least expensive varieties and the more expensive ones. Our current prices are posted on the Pricing page. Call 281-431-7441 for answers to your questions and a quote for your project.
Summary of the How Much Is Your Grass Video
Whether you need a lot or a little, skip home depot/lowes/garden center and come here. Its thicker, fresher, better, and much cheaper.
Jacob Muller
Google ReviewHow much is your grass? That’s probably the number one question, when we pick up the phone we get asked.
Another question to ask right after you ask “how much is your grass” is “what’s the quality of your grass”. Quality is kind of hard to quantify, but that’s certainly important and it’s nowhere near the same from store to store.
“How Much Is Your Grass” Depends on Variety
How much is your grass? We carry several different varieties of grass. We carry two different types of Bermuda grass, we carry two different types of St. Augustine, and we carry three different types of Zoysia.
We’re not going to mention any specific prices in this video because the pricing does change periodically. We always keep our pricing sheet on the website up-to-date, though. We just don’t want to have to remake videos every time our prices change.
Wholesale Pricing Is Available for Some Grass Varieties
As pricing goes, the two Bermudas, the Tifway 419 and the TexTurf 10, and the Raleigh St. Augustine are on the lower end of the price spectrum. We do offer wholesale pricing on those grasses. For the rest of our grass varieties, we do not offer wholesale pricing because we have a lot less of acreage planted in those grasses.
Our Most Expensive Grasses Are the Zoysia Grasses
For those more expensive grass varieties, we have the Palisades Zoysia and the Emerald and Cavalier Zoysia. All three break the $200 per 450 square foot pallet mark.
Our St. Augustine Grasses Are Popular Choices
Then we also have two different types of St. Augustine grasses. Raleigh St. Augustine is the standard. That’s the variety of grass that we keep in stock at our office year round. It’s the one we sell by the piece and the half pallet, whereas the rest of these grasses we only sell by the 450 square foot pallet.
We do sell Raleigh St. Augustine by the half pallet because that amount of grass seems to fit a niche that a lot of people need. Also it should be noted that a half pallet is about as much as a half ton pickup can carry. So we split lots of Raleigh St. Augustine pallets in half so that people can buy them by that as well.
We also carry Palmetto St. Augustine if you have shade issues. The Palmetto looks very similar to the Raleigh St. Augustine. If you only get four or five hours of direct sunlight on your lawn each day, as opposed to six or seven hours for the Raleigh, Palmetto could be a good option for you. However, it is about $40 to $50 per pallet more expensive than the regular Raleigh St. Augustine.
In 2021 the prices range anywhere from about $130 to $225 a pallet depending on what type of grass that we’re talking about. However, always refer to our price sheet. We keep that up-to-date. Give us a call at 281-431-7441 if you’ve got any questions or would like to talk about pricing.
If Quality Is Important to You – You’ll Buy from Houston Grass
We know that there are big box stores that sell the grass for a little bit less. And we know that there are some, particularly the big box stores, that sell the grass for a whole lot more. If you’re buying it by the piece, that’s one thing.
But if you’re looking for pallets, our prices are super competitive when you’re looking at quality. The reason for our pricing is frankly that we believe we have quality grass that’s second to none in the greater Houston area.
We only buy our grass from our family farm. We know how they’re taking care of it. Our family has been in the grass business for more than 40 years.
How Much Is Your Grass for Your Next Project
If you consider quality when you buy your grass, you’ll buy from Houston Grass. For a quote for your project, please call us at 281-431-7441 or send us a quote request.
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