What Are Bermuda Grass Sprigs and Do You Want to Plant Them in the Houston Area
What are Bermuda grass sprigs or grass plugs? Houston Grass South Owner Michael Romine answers that question in this video. Michael also talks about why using grass sprigs or grass plugs is not a strategy to save you money in the long run, although it may seem a good idea to save money in the amount of grass you buy. Call us at 281-431-7441 for more information or a quote for your project. You can also send us an email using the contact form or ask for a quote using that form.
Summary of the Bermuda Grass Sprigs Video
– – Now we’re going to talk a little bit about Bermuda grass. First question I have here, what are Bermuda grass sprigs?
A sprig of any grass is… First what we sell here is solid sodding. It’s 16 by 24 inch pieces. Sometimes it comes in rolls. But, we sell sod by the whole piece.
Bermuda Grass Sprigs and Grass Plugs
A sprig of grass is actually a piece of grass that’s got a plant, not much of one, and it’s got the roots. And the dirt has all been washed off the bottom, as opposed to the pieces of grass that we sell, the 16 by 24 inch pieces. Our pieces have quite a bit of dirt on the bottom of it. And a grass plug is the same thing. That’s just a piece of grass that’s been cut into, say, a four by four inch piece. That would be a plug of the grass.
Sprigs, I can’t think of a use for it in a Houston area lawn. I know people that grow hay, Coastal Bermuda and some of the grasses like that, they grow with sprigs. I’ve actually never seen that process take place, But I know that that’s what they do. Unless it’s in a different part of the United States that people plant grass like that in a residential application. It’s certainly not around here. I’ve never seen it done.
And, now the plugs, that would be something that might be a little bit more feasible. You got the four by four inch pieces, so you cut up a 16 by 24 inch block, put the plugs out and you space them out, then I would think the thinking would be to save money. But we never encourage people to do that.
Weeds Invade the Bare Spots Between the Bermuda Grass Sprigs
We get people who call and ask about it fairly frequently. (People also ask us about laying sod in a checkerboard fashion to save money.) But, it’s just not a feasible thing to do in a residential application, because wherever there’s not solid grass you’re going to be fighting off the weeds for a while. And your time and… effort and your money you’ve spent on chemicals is going to far outweigh, I would think, the cost that it would’ve taken to just solid sod a whole area. So we normally try to talk everybody out of that. Not just because we’re trying to sell more grass, I just don’t think that it’s a feasible way to plant grass in our part of the world.
What About the Information on Aggie Turf
The Aggie Turf website has a discussion of how to plant Bermuda grass and it makes this statement.
“It is relatively quick to establish by seed or sprigs and is most notably known for its superior traffic tolerance and quick recuperative potential.”
However, in our experience, it’s not feasible for the typical Houston area homeowner to succeed by planing Bermuda grass seed, grass plugs or grass sprigs. You’ll have weeds and Common Bermuda grass invading the bare spots between your plugs or sprigs or competing with your seed. There are no herbicides for your use as a homeowner that can selectively kill Common Bermuda grass and weeds while not also killing your Tifway or TexTurf Bermuda grass sprigs or plugs. Even if you buy your grass from someone else, we recommend that you buy sod and not try to use sprigs or plugs.
At Houston Grass South, We Focus on Quality
Our grass comes from our family farm in Bay City so we know the effort and the expense that goes into growing every piece and every pallet of grass we sell. We offer delivery services and we also offer installation services. You can also pick up your grass at our office location, which is a few miles east of Sienna Plantation and just off Highway 6 on McKeever Road. Call us at 281-431-7441 or send us an email using our contact form. You can also ask for a quote by sending us the quote form or by calling.