Can You Buy St. Augustine Grass Seed for Your Houston Area Lawn?
Call 281-431-7441 for more information about St. Augustine grass. We deliver two varieties of very high quality St. Augustine, and they are Raleigh St. Augustine and Palmetto St. Augustine. In this video, Houston Grass Owner Michael Romine answers a question we sometimes get about buying St. Augustine grass seed for Houston area lawns.
Summary of Michael’s Video on Buying St. Augustine Grass Seed
Where to buy St. Augustine grass seed? We get asked that question occasionally as well. To our knowledge, there is no such thing.
There’s No Commercially Viable St. Augustine Grass Seed
Certain times of the year the St. Augustine grass puts off a seed head. It’s a little stalk that comes up and looks kind of ugly. If you pick it up you can pull the little individual seeds off of it.
To our knowledge, nobody has come up with a commercially viable way to harvest it and bag it. Because to my knowledge there is no commercially viable St. Augustine grass seed.
What About Palmetto St. Augustine Grass Plugs?
Some grass sod dealers recommend using Palmetto St. Augustine plugs instead of seed. If you’re using plugs, even if you put them out there fairly tight, you’re only going to get a certain survival percentage of the plugs of grass. Not all of them are going to live. You’ll have big gaps of dirt between the plugs until the Palmetto grass can grow to fill them. While you’re watering to keep the plugs growing, you’re also watering the common Bermuda grass and other grass seeds that are rooting on the bare dirt. You will be fighting weeds in the bare space for six months plus to get a full yard grass grown.
Getting that full yard of grass will only be possible if you have somebody with a chemical applicator’s license to be able to get the chemicals that it’s going to take to keep the weeds from coming up without killing the Palmetto grass plugs. So you’re going to have to be able to fight those weeds off to give the grass plugs that you planted time to cover an area, and that’s just not feasible.
By the time you did all that with money for chemicals and lawn services, you’ve way given away any savings that you had buying grass plugs. So I would try to talk anybody out of trying to plant Palmetto grass plugs or any other grass plugs. It’s not because I’m in the grass business, it’s because I don’t think it’s feasible at all to plant a residential area with plugs, or sprigs for that matter.
There Is Commercial Bermuda Grass Seed
There is seed for Bermuda grass. If you look on the shelves at the big box stores, there are bags of Bermuda grass seed.
There are also companies out there that do hydroseeding. That’s where they can come out to a place and they blow a slurry out of a hose, and it’s got several different nutients mixed in it. The main component of it is common Bermuda grass seed because it germinates very easily.
We wouldn’t recommend common Bermuda grass in your yard. It’s kind of stringy and not very dense, and for a residential application we wouldn’t recommend it. We grow and recommend the Tifway 419 or the TexTurf 10 Bermuda grass varieties. We harvest those grasses as grass pieces and we install them that way. Those would be a lot nicer than Bermuda grass you could grow from seed. Bermuda grass requires full sun and is not shade tolerant.
They’re a lot finer, they’re a lot more dense, and they make for a lot nicer residential yard then common Bermuda grass. The common Bermuda grass is something you see along the roadsides. They want something green, and they want to stop the erosion. That would be the only time I would use a seed to do any kind of grass.
Houston Grass Delivers St. Augustine Grass Sod Direct from Our Farm
Houston Grass is proud to say that we deliver St. Augustine grass with quality second to none in the Houston area, and we do it at great prices too! We deliver to your project site, and we can arrange installation if you need it, but you can also pick up your grass sod at our office.
We’re located in Arcola on McKeever Road, just off Highway 6 and a few miles east of Sienna Plantation. We’re also a little to the west of the Highway 6 intersection with FM 521. Come on out and do some barefoot grass testing in our sample grass plots.
Call us at 281-431-7441 for more information or send us an email through our contact form.